Sunday, November 28, 2010


I wrote in my first blog of 2010, “the number ten is one of four “perfect numbers” (3,7,10,12). The number ten is the start of a new order of numbers in double digits as compared to the previous single digit numbers…people who study numbers tell us the mere presence of “ten” signifies that the previous representation of numbers that went before is now complete, they served their purpose, take note.

I have been studying the number, “11”, as in 2011. In my research I discovered the number 11 is associated with judgment and disorder. There are eleven judgments upon the Egyptians. There were eleven disciples after, Judas betrayed Jesus. Augustine, writing in the mid 300s, stated that "the number eleven is the blazon of sin". One might say that eleven is symbolic of internal conflict, rebellion and disorder. In a contemporary context you may have heard it said, “They waited to the 'eleventh hour'" meaning, because the clock runs to twelve, the “eleventh hour” is the last hour to get things done. Therefore, the eleventh hour suggests urgency. A more positive understanding of “11” (I will speak to this next post) says that this number can also signify discernment and revelation.

I am not saying 2011 will be a year of conflict or disorder although I suppose one could make a case for this. I am saying that the year 2010 has been a “newly ordered year” for me. Particularly as 2010 is ending I have seen an increase of miracles around me; the Lord has given me a window of opportunity to pray for and see healing in the lives of many people. If next year does bring upheaval or calamity, all the more reason to finish this year strong and be full of faith that will address coming turmoil. I will be writing more on this theme of ending and beginning--be looking for it. And yes, I am back to writing, for those who have both wondered and asked!

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