Saturday, April 26, 2008

Graduation (facebook series)

Saturday morning- beautiful, silky air blows smoothly through our back deck wind chimes. I hear Kris outside as she waters plants. I am thinking about the few hundred 20 somethings who will walk across a stage in a week or so and graduate. They often hear, "Today is not an ending but a beginning." I am SO burned out on this overused aphorism. I have thought, why can't some of these young adults have their biggest life challenges right now, when they think they know it all. After all, they are graduates! Some of my biggest mistakes have come when I thought I knew better, knew myself better, knew others better-- only to learn I did not know them or me very well at all. Every completed chapter of our lives is a self portrait, autographed by our actions. For some the signature will be penned by excellence and by others, by mediocrity. Hear this, hope is the feeling that you will succeed tomorrow in what you failed at today. You may not be a graduate but, in God's eyes you are special!

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