Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thoughts around Isaiah 30 (facebook series)

Thank you for your responses to yesterday's posting. One reader sent me this from Isaiah 30, "The Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show his love and compassion....the Lord gave you adversity as a teacher so you can have ears that hear, 'this is the way, walk in it.' It occurred to me last night after spending time with a dear friend who loves me enough to tell me the absolute truth about myself that if I want an improved life I must take a more active role, not a passive role, in creating a renewed life. I am learning in a far deeper way today that God intends for all of us to be "shape-makers" with Him as our lives get developed. As we make our way through (not around!) the valley of the shadow of death to the table of promised blessings we must choose to give up control, the need to be right, self pity and, an approval orientation to life (which is always short lived). Final words--anticipate celebration, may your party begin today!!

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