WINDSTORMS that shatter rocks, violent EARTHQUAKES and voracious FIRES (kind of reminds me of California) and we radio heavenward, "Houston, we have a problem."
God will use circumstances, relationships or even ourselves to "Blow-Shake-Burn" the dross, moss and even the high-gloss we tend to hold on to instead of Him.
It's a season for me to refocus. To embrace the gift of a broken bone. Brokenness holds a whole new meaning.
Like Elijah, had I crawled into a cave and fallen asleep? Perhaps. And then, snap . . . a new and confining world of dependence, my wings clipped!
Do you ever wonder why God chooses gentle whispers and still small voices? I think it's so we have to practice hearing Him.
I don't have to practice hearing Bill. He doesn't know what lower decibels are. (Try watching a USC football game with him.) But I do have to practice hearing my Shepherd, who has promised that I do hear His voice.
I'm so impressed, and encouraged, that after the tremendous sounds that rocked across the mouth of Elijah's cave, he was practiced enough to hear God's whisper even when he was still in the throes of his pity-party.
The thunderous God of the universe lives within me, but He loves to whisper. He loves to whisper His thoughts, His ways, His dreams and secret things.
I know if He needs to blow, shake, burn, cut or BREAK, then He will. But maybe if I come out of my cave, into the glorious light, and practice, practice, practice . . . a gentle whisper will be all it takes and I'll be running again.
This reminds me very much of one of my favorite poems. "Batter My Heart Three Personned God" by John Donne.
Also, I may not be the loudest person in decibels, but I find my own thoughts to be the loudest contender for God's voice. There are several times that He has to reign me in, so-to-speak. I began attempting Foster's discipline of solitude during my commutes (from Foster's "Celebration of Discipline"), and the times that I am more quiet in His presence are some of the times I'm best able to hear. Sometimes when I crowd him out, His whispers to me aren't condemning, but simply ask me why I didn't want to be with Him. It's a very humbling experience when a whisper from God can shake the spirit to its knees just to find Him waiting for you.
Thanks Harry, I googled your Donne piece. I saw the connection and mean to reread it. I wish I could tell Mr. Donne that God's not angry with him because he hasn't "arrived yet"==ah the journey of transformation. God knows how many breaks or batterings we have to go for a breakthrough, and I'm sure is always excited when it's at least one less. He's the lover of our hearts. Kristen E.
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