I cannot imagine what Peter and Thomas must have felt like after Jesus was placed in the tomb. These two would-be friends of Jesus had either denied or, isolated from those who could of helped them work through the death and betrayal of their friend. And of course there is Judas...he 'killed' any opportunity he may have had to right himself with God. In just a few hours--in less than a day, their Lord would raise in glory and power. Life would be forever changed! The lyrics from a Barlow Girl and Rebecca St. James song (Forgive me) echoed in my head and my heart and my ears tonight (do not listen to the song unless you want to invite God to deal with issues in your life; it's on our playlist)...
"For all the times I've held you Lord and yet fallen short--
Lord, forgive me now. God I am so in need of grace,
I've fallen from from your face , forgive me now.
I feel the tears fall down my face, forgive me.
Take my fear Lord, take my shame. Lord, forgive me now.
Glorify me and make me new... my calling sure, only you can do.
Forgive me now.
As I heard this song anew tonight Kris and I enjoyed a sunset on our back deck and watched the foothills disappear as they were swallowed up in the colored sky. I was thinking about our foothills. The Bible also speaks of foothills and mountains (26 mountains is all). I mention only four of these mountains to you. Mt. Ararat was a place where fallen humanity and the righteous lineage of Noah would get a fresh start after the flood. EVERYONE, at some time in life, will need a fresh start. Mt. Sinai was a place where God spoke to Moses and outlined ten ways people should live their lives. EVERYONE, at some time, needs guidance or help. The Mount of Olives, a place that Jesus went to often, was a place of prayer and betrayal. No one ever wants to be betrayed but EVERYONE of us needs a place where we can get away to pray.
There is another mountain I am thinking of right now. Jesus said, "I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this (YOUR) mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."(Matt, 17. 20). Most of the people I listen to in my counseling office have needed to have a mountain move out of their lives. Your mountain may be a ten pound mountian; a job-sized mountain; a finance-sized mountain; an emotional mountain; a chemical mountain; an intellectual mountian; a health-sized mountain or, a mountain in the form of righting a relationship that has gone bad. Once you climb your mountain (a smart climber never climbs alone) you get a vista view of your future that you cannot imagine!! But I warn you as God warned Lot's wife, do not look back! Do not go back! There is only one thing to do-- journy on and, give witness to the goodness of God--yes, God still moves mountains!!
"For all the times I've held you Lord and yet fallen short--
Lord, forgive me now. God I am so in need of grace,
I've fallen from from your face , forgive me now.
I feel the tears fall down my face, forgive me.
Take my fear Lord, take my shame. Lord, forgive me now.
Glorify me and make me new... my calling sure, only you can do.
Forgive me now.
As I heard this song anew tonight Kris and I enjoyed a sunset on our back deck and watched the foothills disappear as they were swallowed up in the colored sky. I was thinking about our foothills. The Bible also speaks of foothills and mountains (26 mountains is all). I mention only four of these mountains to you. Mt. Ararat was a place where fallen humanity and the righteous lineage of Noah would get a fresh start after the flood. EVERYONE, at some time in life, will need a fresh start. Mt. Sinai was a place where God spoke to Moses and outlined ten ways people should live their lives. EVERYONE, at some time, needs guidance or help. The Mount of Olives, a place that Jesus went to often, was a place of prayer and betrayal. No one ever wants to be betrayed but EVERYONE of us needs a place where we can get away to pray.
There is another mountain I am thinking of right now. Jesus said, "I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this (YOUR) mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."(Matt, 17. 20). Most of the people I listen to in my counseling office have needed to have a mountain move out of their lives. Your mountain may be a ten pound mountian; a job-sized mountain; a finance-sized mountain; an emotional mountain; a chemical mountain; an intellectual mountian; a health-sized mountain or, a mountain in the form of righting a relationship that has gone bad. Once you climb your mountain (a smart climber never climbs alone) you get a vista view of your future that you cannot imagine!! But I warn you as God warned Lot's wife, do not look back! Do not go back! There is only one thing to do-- journy on and, give witness to the goodness of God--yes, God still moves mountains!!
1 comment:
I'm so fascinated by your idea of ministry based upon Nouwen's Wounded Healer. The Wounded Healer can be infused into our whole lives of work and leisure if we will allow it. We all need to be vulnerable and available for others - there is too much arrogance - people are trained in the work place to be assertive, and to avoid the "losers" in life if they want to get on. Instead we should reach out even more to those - they are not losers but unique human beings with their own God given gifts.
Alleluyah Christ is risen indeed. A blessed Easter to you both. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your site!
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