Noun. Offer an advantage or benefit to someone or something; an act of gracious kindness done out of good will rather than from remuneration; being approved or held in regard, unfair partiality; preferential treatment.
Given this definition of favor, who would not want favor in their job so they could be successful? Favor in relationships so that life may be more meaningful? And yes, even favor with God. The first biblical account of a person who received the favor from God is Noah. The days of Noah could be described as a time when people knew more about things that did not matter and understood even less about things that truly mattered. Sound like today? The days of Noah even had, 'older men of great renown yet...whose every thought became continually evil...' (6.5). Genesis 6.8 tells us Noah was a regular guy; he had a family and lived a normal life until…. My point, you do not have to be someone special to get special treatment or gain approval from God. However, the text goes on to describe Noah as a righteous man, who walked with God, heard from God and obeyed God. Here, in these four observations, Noah is beginning to sound very different than you and me. So, can a person specifically seek the favor (undue benefit or treatment) from God? I think, "yes." Here are some action steps for you to consider...
First, you must know favor (gracious kindness, to be held in high regard) from God is tied directly to life’s circumstances. The circumstances surrounding Noah’s life was that Noah remained close to God while living in a world that was quickly going to hell. Anyone can gain favor (approval) from God in troublesome times but we must remain faithful to God. Second, favor from God is directly tied to people. When I have needed tangible support, emotional encouragement or financial provision God has ALWAYS sent people into my life. When the tormenting waters of life rise like a flood we must grasp a hold of God’s gracious outstretched arm--- in these times you will discover the hand of God will be found in the clasp of someone that God has sent to you. Third, favor from God is directly tied to action. Noah is mentioned in the ‘Hall of Fame’ in Hebrews 11 as someone who was decisive. Noah refused to be paralyzed by the world’s taunting and snickering voices. The writer of Hebrews says, “It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. Noah obeyed God, who had warned him about things that had never happened before… By his faith Noah received the righteousness that comes by faith” (Heb. 11.7).
You may be living in Noah-like days, your flooding baptism may be financial, vocational, chemical…maybe even spiritual. A final thought, the little faith that lives in you and moves you to a Noah-like action WILL move God. Scripture is clear, ‘Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Through faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.” (Heb. 11.1)
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