I have been reading about giants. Anyone who has gone to Sunday school has heard the story of Kid David vs. Goliath. The after battle commentary on the ESPN of that day would have included the mention of the unlikely placement of one smooth stone to the head of heavily armored Goliath. The article would have also said something about an unprepared boy doing a man's job (David fought Goliath only because his older brothers did not have the wherewithal in them to even try--they only muttered discounting words under their breath like so many cowards do). The afterbattle commentary might have also included the fact that David not only knocked Goliath down and out but also, chopped his head off! The after battle commentary might have also asked the question, "Why did he choose five stones?" Let me tell you....
Goliath had four other brothers. Goliath's brothers were, Isbi-Benob (which means, "Discouragement"), Saph (which means, "Fear") and Lahmi (which means, "Evil Desires"). These three brothers represent three common giants many people face: the giant of discouragement, the giant of fear and, the giant of having evil or wrong desires. There was also a fourth brother. His name is not mentioned but a description of him is--he is described as a giant of a man with six fingers on each hand (2 Sam. 21. 20-21). This fourth brother represents those things in a person's life that have a stranglehold with an unshakable grip. EVERY reader of this post has something in their life that at some time has had a strange stranglehold on them. The Apostle Paul taught, "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". Paul also confessed, "the very things I do not want to do I find myself doing." It is so easy for me to look at Judas, the betrayer of Jesus and say, "I would never do that." But I have to confess, I've betrayed God and others too many times to count. I am humbled beyond words to know and hear and experience his loving forgiveness.
If you want to defeat a behavior, an attitude, overcome a painful secret or a habit of any kind you will need to have a battle plan. You will need to ignore the naysayers in your life (especially those closest to you!). You will need to fight your own fight and use your own equipment (this is not to say you enter this fight alone!). MOST importantly, once you have knocked your giant down (initially) you will need to do what David did--you will need to cut off your giant's head. If your giant is indecisiveness you will need to cut yourself free from indecisiveness by following through on what you said you would do. If your giant is mediocrity you wil need to cut yourself free from hanging out with other 'bottom feeders'. If your giant is ungodly thoughts you will need to get serious enough to ask someone for help. If your giant is unforgiveness you will need to remember that Jesus said, "if you do not forgive others I will not forgive you."
The giants I have mentioned are not uncommon. Scripture says what we experience is not uncommon and that, God will provide a way of escape from our giants. Remember you are not alone. You have resources and, you have the one thing that no one can "pour into" you--you have God's Spirit that whispers, "It's time, it is finally time...together, you and me, we can defeat this thing!" Yes, YOU can!!
I love it! It's so true. You're the first person after my own father that I've ever heard mention Goliath's other brothers. Thank you for writing. I know it's an outlet for many of us, but your "outlet" helps so many people!
Thank you for sharing this, Dr. Effler. So many times our problems can seem so much bigger than ourselves. Thankfully, God doesn't make us face these problems alone, but grants us the grace to endure and the strength to overcome.
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