Thursday, April 15, 2010


I hear people of all ages say they want a day off. Over worked and under appreciated people live for the weekend. Students this time of year want the current semester to end (and so do professors!). An aging spouse I know, who is now a caregiver, wants a day off from the stress of changing one more adult diaper. Psychologists have a diagnosis for this type of stress, it is called, 'hurry sickness". Here are six signs that you may be in too big a hurry, (1) no matter what line you wait in, it never moves fast enough, (2) you pride yourself as a phenomenal multi-tasker but you think you never get enough accomplished, (3) you buy the latest time saving device or book but do not have time to read the instructions, (4) people you love the most get 'left overs' and, I am not referring to dinner, (5) you turn the most simple of tasks into an Olympic sized event for personal recognition and finally, to quote Carl Jung, (6) "Hurry is not of the devil. Hurry is the devil."

So, is it a day off you need? Really? What would happen if you took a day off from anger? You would be a little more peaceful. A day off from the radio? In your silence you might hear a creative new solution to that problem you have been trying to solve. A day off from coming home late? You would get an early evening sunset walk and some needed exercise. A night off from the wife and I started reading a new book together. So take a day off, a whole day from something, anything and you will be amazed at what you will discover.

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