It’s a beautiful Saturday morning, no reason to be down, but I am. So I write. I ended up doing some research on ‘crying’, here is what I learned. Dr. William H. Frey II, a researcher at the St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center said emotionally released tears contain protein-based hormones that are actually, a natural painkiller. Aristotle theorized that a good cry “cleanses the mind.” New York Times reporter Benedict Carey referred to tears as “emotional perspiration”. John Bradshaw wrote in his book,“Home Coming”, "All feelings need to be felt. Sometimes we just need to stomp and storm; to sob and cry; to perspire and tremble.” In his article, “The Miracle of Tears”, from which I’ve lifted some of the research for this post, author Jerry Bergman identified several positive aspects of a ‘good cry'. Here, then, are four ways 'crying' can heal us physiologically, psychologically, and spiritually. First, tears help us see, without tears our eyesight would be blocked out altogether. Two, tears kill bacteria. Tears contain lysozyme, which can kill 90 to 95 percent of all bacteria in a good five to 10 minute cry! Three, crying can elevate mood. Research shows that crying can reduce anxiety, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, depression and, anger. Four, tears build community. Yeah, I know, a ridiculous crier may be nothing more than a person consumed with self. But on the other hand, authentic tears can be someone’s legitimate “help language”, some people do not have words, only tears.
A final thought, and this is especially for people who tend to be more of a ‘thinker’ than a ‘feeler’. At times, people try to figure out why they are feeling what they are feeling; they ask, 'Where the tears are coming from?' or, 'Is there some mystical or spiritual reason behind these tears?' Here is my word for those who try to figure out their tears….don’t try to figure out your tears but remember what an ancient writer once penned, “tears are the wine of angels-- those who intercede for you, from heaven”.
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