Wednesday, June 2, 2010


For the second time in less than three months I have lost a dear friend. In April my loss was a 38 year old former student, a husband and father. My second loss was someone who I did not know as well. Yet, this giggly, funny, 27 year old newly engaged woman (her husband-to-be was her only boyfriend) is gone from me. These out of the blue-unexplained-senseless losses have left me empty except for the questions and tears that anyone experiencing loss has. I wrote down the following three thoughts this afternoon in my own attempt to move through my pain. THREE IDEAS can be helpful for anyone who is experiencing loss or disappointment.

FIRST, resist trying to make sense of your pain especially when the wound is fresh and the tears flow readily. Logic is no friend when it comes to explaining loss. No autopsy. No lawsuit. Nothing, will fill the chasm that the knife of significant loss creates. SECOND, try to believe that the difficult situation could be God’s designed way to get you to see something that is bigger than what you were formerly living in. Your disappointment could be a catapulting mechanism that may turn your head and fix your eyes on something that is actually bigger and deeper than your loss. Remember, I am still in the freshness of my own loss as I write this! ThIRD, while in loss, place yourself in safe environments where you can be renewed—be careful who you choose to talk to (it is amazing the stupid things people will say to grieving people). I feel a ramble coming on so I will close….

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