Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009: New Year, No Limits

HNY! First post for you.
I have been researching the ancient meaning of numbers recently. The number "8" (as in 2008) represents or symbolizes change, beginning or, cleansing. This describes well my '08 in many ways. The number "9" (as in 2009) symbolizes or carries with it the word picture of harvest, fulfillment, empowerment or, a move of God. It is logical to me that for those who seek to join God in 2009 in what God is doing, there will need to be changes made. You might also want to know that the number 10 (2010?) represents judgement--Ouch!

So, how does one change? How do any of us ready ourselves to be used by our great God in this brand new year. In the movie,What About Bob? Bill Murry plays a helpless bumbling maniac who is counseled by a very frustrated Richard Dryfus. Helpless "Bob" finds his life reordered by taking "baby steps". (I love this movie!). This strategy, an intentional one step-at-a-time orientation to decision making is, a very good process when beginning anything new (like a new year). One piece of humorous counsel to the question, "How do you move forward or change?" when one finds themself on the back of a dead horse...what is one to do?! Dismount!! Find another horse. However, some choose to buy a stronger whip or stupidly, reclassify the horse in the category as 'walking impaired' or, harness other live horses to the dead horse so that the dead horse's speed can be increased
The Apostle Paul had practical wisdom to the question, "How do I have a new year, a new anything for that matter?! Paul writes in Philippians 3, [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope] and this one last thing I do [it is my one aspiration...forgetting what lies behind (2008) and straining forward (2009) to what lies ahead..."

Kris and I spent time today with several people who did not want to have another 2008 like they just had. Maybe you had a tough 2008? Re-read Paul's words. They speak of determination, increased awareness, single mindedness, power, transformation. I do not know about you but these are all things I want and need--daily. I am really looking forward to this new year on the blog. The Lord has already placed many things in my heart, a heart turned inside out stretching to you. And remember, NEW year, NO limits.............


Fisher said...

this is awesome. thanks. I am very excited about what this year will hold. I was at a conference a few nights ago and Dutch Sheets prophecied that there would be two simultaneous winds that would blow this year. adversity and awakening... it was awesome to hear how the Lord can take those two and produce so much greatness out of it.

i decided to take this year and instead of making resolutions that i probably wouldnt keep, i decided to prophecy over my life...check it out if you would like. fisherreverie.blogspot,com

Bill Effler said...

You are a blesing to us. How are things at TC?

Fisher said...

pretty incredible noting the circumstances... I just got back to GA yesterday to visit for a little while and in one day I have seen so much of how the Lord is moving. I love His restoring power. As for me, I'm really just waiting on a word from the Lord as to whats next.