Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blind spots (facebook series)

Facing past pain is hard. I learned this in the office of a dear friend very recently. I had a blind spot. A blind spot is like something in the back of your car, you look back and think it is safe to pass (the next life lesson) but there is danger. A blind spot is different than a "foggy spot" where, you know you may have an issue but you do not see or understand it clearly. I think God cries when we have haunting pain caused by a blind spot in our life. Read the following writing and pray that God would show you, in love, where you may be blinded...
As children bring their toys
with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God,
because he was my friend.
But then, instead of leaving him in peace to work alone
I hung around and tried to help
with ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried,
"How can You be so slow?"
"My Child," He said, "What could I do?
You never did let go."

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