Monday, February 11, 2008

Running From God (Day 1 of 4--facebook series)

I will be writing on "running" for the next few days. I am NOT a runner, especially with a back that is attacked by muscle spasms! Anyway, look up the OT book of Jonah ( the greatest fish story ever told). Today I am writing on, "Running FROM God". Speaking personally, I can successfully run from God, for a little while BUT- you know what eventually happens. Jonah 1 exposes the lie that says, "you get what you pay for". When we run FROM God, we get MORE THAN we bargain for. Jonah did not know that for every step he took AWAY from God, there would be a storm that would follow. A second lesson Jonah tells us is that OUR bad choices can affect others lives, dramatically! A third lesson chapter one teaches is that during a storm it is necessary to lighten our load so, simplify your life. My experience is that most people are either headed into a storm, in a storm or just coming out of a storm. Don't know where you are but....that's all I have to say about that...

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